What do you think threatens a positive digital employee experience (DEX)? A lack of employee sentiment visibility? Maybe inadequate data on device and application performance? The list goes on.  

One concern continually rises to the top. It results in digital friction for all involved and has the potential to make a global impact. We're talking, of course, about outages. 

The potential damage an outage can cause is considerable, as many of us are coming to understand. Take, for example, the most recent example at the front of everyone's mind. Two weeks ago, 'one of the world's biggest IT blackouts' occurred, impacting countless organizations following a software update issued by cybersecurity company CrowdStrike*. In this case, alongside the impact on employee productivity and output, the outage is predicted to cost Fortune 500 companies approximately $5.4 billion in direct financial losses.

* 1E responded to this outage quickly, providing customers with an instruction to automate the process, prevent user impact, and mitigate the blockage.  

What if the damage caused by outages could be prevented? We’re here to tell you that all the downtime, sales loss, friction, and bad experiences can be mitigated—with adequate steps. We've created a one-stop shop on how to face threats like this head-on and prevent them before they impact employees and customers. 

Rather than just telling you we can help with outages, let's explore how a global manufacturer leveraged 1E technology to reduce potential disruption from a one-day to one-hour outage.  

Reducing friction and downtime 

A global manufacturer experienced 1E’s rapid response deployment first-hand when a change made in the back office resulted in an authentication issue for employees. Without the ability to authenticate, around 70,000 employees across the globe couldn't access the internet during working hours. The result? Major friction, leaving employees unable to adequately do their jobs, and a blackout period for the organization.   

By creating an automation rule in 1E to deliver support—and deploying it while IT worked on a foundational solution—the disruption period was significantly shortened. This situation could have resulted in an all-day occurrence, but with 1E, it only lasted an hour. Fixing the authentication issue within sixty minutes was a major win for their team. Through this, users experienced improved productivity and diminished negative interactions with the IT department. 

“IT is largely seen as a cost center – a costly internal expense to the business – so it’s important to continuously demonstrate value and how under-pressure budgets can be used to reduce friction,” says the Platform Manager. “1E has helped us to transform how IT is seen by the business.” 

Continue reading to discover not only how 1E can reduce friction and shorten outage periods, but also optimize budgets with automation, create a more secure environment, and measure end-user sentiment.