The ability to resolve problems before users even notice them is an unparalleled superpower for IT departments. That’s where proactive IT comes in.

Instead of scrambling to fix issues after the damage is done, teams can now prevent, mitigate, and predict impact before users are affected. You can achieve this approach by analyzing workplace analytics, using predictive insights, creating automation rules, etc.

While proactive IT encompasses several components, the two that typically come to the forefront are automated remediation and prevention measures, and continuous monitoring and analysis. Forward-thinking teams are now leveraging advanced analytics, predictive insights, and smart automation to stay ahead of the curve. This is the future of IT—where anticipation replaces reaction, and your systems run smoother than ever.

Let's break those two elements down. Automation tools can help organizations fix digital issues quickly and efficiently without human action. Continuous monitoring and analysis capabilities help detect those irregularities before they lead to digital friction for users. Either way you slice it, they’re both key components of effective proactive IT practices.

Ready to see this in action? Let’s explore how a healthcare provider embraced a proactive approach to IT with 1E's automation and monitoring tools.

Automated processes > manual integrations

A healthcare provider serving a million patients nationwide leveraged 1E technology to eliminate manual integrations and embrace automation. Before 1E, this organization manually integrated each device at every site. And with over eighty devices at each site, this became extremely time-consuming and a clear point of frustration. Now, the enterprise can completely automate the once time-consuming process with 1E through automated instructions.

“Before 1E, we were spending considerable time and resources on simple integration processes every time a new site was acquired…Now, 1E is like having a virtual technician standing in front of the PC at the time of execution, making each integration project a fast and accurate rinse-and-repeat solution.”

This provider can now also integrate multiple sites simultaneously, cutting the overall process down by forty-five minutes. The result? It frees up precious time for technicians to focus on other initiatives, increases scalability, and integrates faster than ever before.

“A virtual technician doesn’t need to take breaks; 1E can work round the clock."

Monitor, monitor, monitor

We all know getting ahead of digital friction is crucial in enhancing DEX and monitoring can help prevent issues from transpiring. 1E Experience Analytics helps IT teams monitor points of friction and visualize the user experience. 1E aids this organization by predicting user issues and obtaining accurate performance data. This allows the IT department to adopt a more proactive approach through 1E Experience Analytics.

Read more about this customer’s experience and learn how 1E can help you embrace a proactive IT approach.