Did you know that more than three-quarters of IT leaders say a lack of visibility is holding them back from achieving greater process optimization? Unfortunately, this means most are unable to identify areas for improvement and potential roadblocks effectively. So what is the answer? Turning endpoint insights into action.

Increased visibility not only helps IT teams identify areas of worry, but can also lead to increased productivity, a better return on investment, more data-driven decision-making, and beyond. While the outcomes of increased visibility are endless, the one we hear more frequently revolves around data usage to make informed decisions. 

How can you make educated and informed decisions to help achieve this ‘greater process optimization’ if you don't know exactly what you're looking for, what's wrong with your digital environment, or what could be improved? Short answer – you can't. Without visibility, organizations can’t fully understand the issues their employees face, how they impact them, and the result of digital friction. Often, this ends with employees suffering in silence when issues arise, leading to decreased productivity and employee frustration. 

Security challenges are another area that often leads to digital friction and employees' silent suffering.  Potential financial loss and operational disruptions are just a few negative consequences of these challenges. Long story short, no organization wants to deal with security risks, but the reality is that they do occur from time to time. The question is: How can you quickly resolve a security risk with minimal downtime if you haven't implemented the proper preventive measures in the first place? 

Let’s explore how a global leader in tax, compliance, legal, and digital brand solutions up their visibility and resolve security challenges with 1E technology. 

A Salesforce Chrome browser extension went out to the organization's environment via a group policy object (GPO) from Microsoft. The result? Escalating support tickets requesting the extension's removal and an emergency change request. It was initially a challenge to determine how many end users were affected and how many actually installed the extension. Using 1E technology, the team could identify those impacted and resolve the issue on their devices. 

“1E provides endpoint insights we couldn’t previously access, resolving this issue across networks with minimum fuss or further investigation.” 

In discussing security challenges, this global leader provides an example involving a third-party application, ZScaler. For about a week, users were inexplicably being asked to log in, posing a significant security concern since Zscaler operates outside the organization. The onsite team was committed to understanding why certain users received these login prompts. By using 1E Troubleshooting, they could compare endpoint information, identify a change in the logs introduced by the vendor, and pinpoint the issue.  

Continue reading to learn more about how this customer turned endpoint insights into actions with 1E!