If you’re reading this, my guess is that you sit in one of four camps.  

  1. You currently use Tachyon Experience
  2. You’re new to all things Tachyon and UXM
  3. You’re not a Tachyon newbie, but not a seasoned pro either
  4. You’re an employee of 1E 

The good news is, I’ve got something for everyone! So let’s dig in. 

Setting the Scene 

On May 20th of this year, 1E are officially launching Tachyon 5.2.  Now for those currently using Tachyon, 5.2 is already out in the wild and you can start benefiting from the recent changes I’ll aim to cover off in our brief time together.  But for those of you still browsing, curious types let’s say, it’s important to baseline what Tachyon sets out to do and why anything we do at 1E product release wise, only builds on that foundation. 

1E Tachyon improves the  

Digital Experience of all employees


The digital experience of your employee’s matter.  But what is an employee’s digital experience exactly? It’s their interaction between themselves and you as an organization via digital technology.  Now if you think about the fact that you’re reading this blog on a laptop or phone, possibly provided to you by your employer, possibly from some location other than an office building given the current times and that your device carries an undiscussed expectation to always be performant with regards to powering up successfully, opening apps as and when needed, including the browser you’re using to read this and a myriad of other things happening in the background such as bandwidth optimization, software policy compliance, patch updates etc… there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes, that’s at play here to ensure that your experience of simply turning on your device and having it work exactly as you expect, involves as little to no digital friction whatsoever. Otherwise, when something isn’t working as you’d expect, on company provided tech, it’s over to the helpdesk right? 

Proactive vs Reactive 

Now let’s face it. In an ideal world, everything would work as it should and remote helpdesk sessions wouldn’t need to be a thing causing you to lose precious time getting your work completed because your screen had been hijacked. Now more than ever IT Teams need to be on hand to support, troubleshoot and remediate your employees issues where possible, without the simple pleasures of doing so side by side at our desks over a cup of coffee. Life has changed as we know it through a work from anywhere movement, but we (humans as a whole) are a resilient force to be reckoned with and rise to the challenges before us.   
1E Tachyon empowers your IT Teams to not just be one step ahead of the issues that may arise for you or your end-users, but ten steps ahead, a hundred, a thousand… you get the point. While analytics alone and high-level dashboard scores are cool and all, forward thinking organizations want to do more than just see where potential issues are that’ll impact their employee’s digital experiences.  They want the capability to fix any issues detected, in real-time, across their organizations entire digital landscape, at scale.  To do this, you need the right tools, tools that enable you to be proactive, rather than reactive. 

Tachyon 5.2 

With the recent introduction of Unified eXperience Management (UXM), 1E is leading the charge in creating software that provides IT with actionable intelligence and real-time remediation capability to improve the experience of every employee.  With the 5.2 launch, there are two key takeaways of how we’re supporting this: 
1. Unified Device View 
Enterprises need holistic dashboard visibility into any device that provides key information about that device found within Tachyon’s licensed applications which creates an opportunity for an immediate feedback loop.  With this enhanced visibility, 1E are enabling their customers to embrace the ability to investigate issues on a device, make the necessary changes and discover the fix being applied in real-time. 
 2. Persona Management 
Discover managed groups based on user profiling and specific device use cases, providing you the ability to understand with detailed clarity how different technology rollouts impact your user base. We know that for WFA (work from anywhere) end-user devices, continuous change is the reality and no two people use their technology exactly the same way. Supporting this change requires your ability to leverage usage patterns and attributes associated with these devices. 

Why not join me and my colleague Adrian on Thursday the 20th of May for our launch webinar.  We’ll chat about this new functionality in a bit more detail, show you a couple use cases with the solution and leave some time for any questions you may have. I look forward to seeing you there!