In part 1 of this blog series I discussed the options available when using Nomad in a Build Depot. Option 1 would be to use Nomad and have a local Distribution Point (DP) or use Nomad without a local DP.
If the Build Depot doesn't have a DP then you will need to change the SpecialNetShare value of the 'Install and Configure Nomad in Windows PE' step to include Fanout. A colleague has written a great blog on this process – Leveraging Nomad FanOut to accelerate Windows OSD.
In the remainder of this blog I will describe the tasks required for OSD builds to get content from the Build Depot DP. The key here is as machines are built in the Depot they will have the OSD content in the Nomad cache but will be rebooted, powered off and box to be shipped thus making them bad Nomad peers.
The process use PowerShell commands in WinPE, PowerShell is not a component of WinPE by default and will need to be added to the boot image.
Configuration Steps
The following changes need to be made to the OSD task sequence. I would recommend taking a copy of your task sequence before making changes.
powershell (New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment).Value('DefaultGateway') = ("Get-wmiObject Win32_networkAdapterConfiguration | ?{$_.IPEnabled}").DefaultIPGateway
powershell "Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\Software\1E\NomadBranch -Name NomadInhibitedSubnets -Value"
Nomad will now use the local Build Depot DP for content and not a Nomad peer. When OSD is performed in outside of the Build Depot Nomad will get content from a Nomad peer where possible.
Read more about Nomad at, or follow our LinkedIn Showcase page.