As Forrester research indicates: "good DEX strongly correlates with high employee engagement, which ultimately impacts employee retention — 93% of employees with a high EX index score plan to stay with their organization for the next year, compared with only 49% of employees with a low EX index score." The correlation between productive employees and business success is undeniable. Productivity impacts various facets of an organization, including customer satisfaction, revenue generation, and employee retention. As the workplace becomes increasingly digital, disruptions and friction in employees' digital experiences can significantly impede productivity—and, by extension, business success.

Whether it's unresponsive devices, delayed IT support, or the need for remote access for issue resolution, digital disruptions impact workflow and hamper employee productivity. According to Unisys, 49% of employees lose between one and five hours of productivity each week due to IT issues, with 23% losing six hours or more. This underscores the critical need for proactive digital employee experience management to mitigate downtime and provide seamless operations.

Understanding the true cost of downtime 

The impact of downtime extends beyond mere inconvenience—it carries significant financial implications. Downtime directly translates to lost productivity, resulting in both time loss for employees and revenue loss for organizations. Let’s use a real-world example to explain this. Recent computer outages caused significant problems for Southwest Airlines. Employees were unable to do their jobs, customers had terrible experiences, and the company experienced a decline in both stock and revenue.  

Moreover, prolonged downtime can erode employee morale and satisfaction. Poor digital experiences lead to higher turnover rates, which inevitably leaves organizations facing the costs associated with replacing employees.  

Limitations of traditional help desks

Traditional help desk services play a crucial role in addressing IT issues. However, they often fall short in resolving issues promptly, leading to prolonged downtime. Legacy approaches to ticketing and inefficiencies plague issue resolution, resulting in underreporting of IT issues by employees. This lack of visibility perpetuates a cycle of digital disruption, poor employee experiences, and decreased productivity. Introducing automation to your digital employee experience management initiatives will help streamline IT support operations and foster a more proactive environment.

Prioritizing digital employee experience (DEX)

DEX, or digital employee experience, refers to the relationship between employees and their organization's digital workplace. From the software and hardware used each day to IT interactions, DEX is the total of all digital touchpoints employees encounter at work.

More organizations are prioritizing this than ever before, developing strategies that incorporate key DEX tools to measure, maintain, and improve digital employee experiences. 80% of IT decision-makers and knowledge workers say DEX is key to their enterprise's digital transformation strategy. Gartner explains, "Tools that measure and continually improve the digital employee experience are becoming more important as enablers of modern digital workplaces."

A seamless digital employee experience is crucial for reducing downtime and enhancing productivity. By aligning IT strategies with employee needs, organizations can create a conducive environment for productivity. Investing in DEX both enhances employee satisfaction and contributes to long-term business success. However, simply investing in DEX tools isn't enough. Proactive management of DEX is vital as it enables IT teams to address potential issues before they escalate, thereby minimizing disruptions.

Strategies for proactive DEX management

Effective digital employee experience management (DEEM) requires proactive strategies aimed at optimizing the digital employee experience. This involves:

  • Using digital experience management solutions to measure, understand, and analyze the end user experience.
  • Implementing real-time monitoring and historical data analysis to identify trends and anticipate potential issues.
  • Embracing remote remediation tools to address IT issues promptly, especially in hybrid work environments.
  • Leveraging AI and automation to streamline IT processes and proactively identify and resolve issues before they impact the user.

In conclusion, prioritizing proactive digital employee experience management (DEEM) is imperative for enhancing employee productivity in the modern workplace. By addressing the root causes of digital disruptions and implementing proactive strategies, organizations can foster a conducive environment for productivity and success. Investing in DEX isn't just a matter of efficiency—it's a strategic imperative for businesses looking to thrive in the digital age.