In 2020, over 3,000 IT leaders joined us for the Work From Anywhere Enterprise Conferences in July and November, and enjoyed valuable insights and takeaways from digital workplace experts. This year, we’re excited to bring you another line-up of brilliant speakers from the likes of Forrester, Gartner, 1E, and more.
Unlike other virtual conferences, our sessions are carried out live to ensure you have an opportunity to ask questions and engage with other attendees. Engineered for the world of remote working, all sessions are designed in a sprint format that encourages high-energy conversations and provides a stream of valuable content in only half a day.
But enough about that, let’s take a closer look at March’s line-up:
WFA Conference Forrester
JP Gownder, VP and Principal Analyst, Forrester
‘Improving digital experiences in the anywhere workplace’
14:00-14:30 GMT
JP is Forrester's leading digital workplace analyst. His opening keynote will explore what the WFA enterprise will look like for organizations and employees in a post-COVID world. Drawing on his own research, JP will explore the role of automation, experience data, and employee sentiment and empowerment, in IT’s organizations’ digital workplace strategies. JP's session is a must-attend for anyone keen to understand the challenges you'll face in building a WFA enterprise.

Sumir Karayi WFA Conference
Sumir Karayi, Founder and CEO, 1E
‘How to manage digital experiences for the WFA enterprise’
14:30-14:40 GMT
This opening session will draw upon the main themes from the opening keynote and set the stage for the rest of the conference, including an outline of the key strategies and technical pillars that are required to better manage digital experiences in the Work From Anywhere enterprise. For those keen to learn more about adopting a truly hybrid work model and the key pillars of digital experience management, be sure to listen in.

WFA Conference 1E Rob Peterscheck
Rob Peterscheck, VP Product, 1E
‘Real-time Digital Experience Management for WFA enterprise’
14:40-15:05 GMT
Led by 1E’s Head of Product, Rob Peterscheck, the product team will showcase our latest product developments that enable IT to deliver a great digital experience to employees working anywhere. As an innovation-driven company, our scalability and real-time architecture supports WFA and eliminates disruption. You should join this session to discover the power of the 1E platform through live demos and for the opportunity to have your questions about our product roadmap and technology answered live.

Josh Chessman WFA Conference Gartner
Josh Chessman, Senior Director and Analyst, Gartner
‘Digital Experience Monitoring market overview’
15:05-15:30 GMT
Josh Chessman is a Senior Director in the IT Operations Management group, specializing in network and application performance monitoring. The digital experience monitoring market is rapidly evolving to enable IT teams to deliver a great digital experience to distributed workforces. Josh will share Gartner’s view of the DEM market and how they see it evolving to meet these new challenges. A ‘not-to-be-missed’ session for those turning to Digital Experience Monitoring solutions to facilitate hybrid working.

Jamie-McKenzie 2x-1
Jamie MacKenzie, Director of End-User Computing, WBM Technologies
'The evolution of service experience management'
15:35-16:00 GMT
Using quantitative metrics and real case studies, the session will help you understand how to evolve service experience management to meet the needs of the hybrid workforce. Don’t miss your opportunity to hear from a certified leadership coach and project management professional about inspiring service desk automation customer success stories and what the next phase of service experience management and Experience Level Agreements (XLAs) looks like. You’ll be sure to walk away with actionable insights on how to measure service experience management, what you should be prioritizing, and how to engage your users along the way!

Emile Cabot Microsoft MVP
Èmile Cabot, Microsoft MVP
‘A Microsoft MVP perspective on digital experience management’
16:00 – 16:25 GMT
Even though the post-Covid world may seem like something of a mystery right now, one thing is for sure; hybrid work and digital experience management will be key for businesses moving forward.  Join Microsoft MVP, Èmile Cabot, to discuss the Microsoft perspective on Digital Experience Management and where optimization is necessary. This exciting session will  provide you with expert advice on supporting long-term hybrid working, insight into the value Tachyon Experience can deliver, and a Microsoft MVP perspective on 1E’s Real-time Digital Experience Management solution.

Sumir Karayi WFA Conference John DuBois WFA Conference
John DuBois, VP Digital Operations, NTT Data 
Sumir Karayi, Founder and CEO, 1E
'Planning around uncertainty: Key IT leadership considerations for '21 and beyond' 
16:30 – 16:55 GMT
In an uncertain and ever-changing world, many IT leaders are balancing making effective future plans with maintaining maximum flexibility. But despite all the uncertainty surrounding us, one thing is clear: the digital workplace must continue to evolve and reduce digital friction, prioritize employee engagement, and reduce IT costs. Join NTT Data VP, John DuBois, and 1E CEO, Sumir Karayi, to learn more about key digital leader strategic considerations, aligning priorities with end user needs, and how to make digital experience management a flagship initiative in your organization.

Cory-Kramer 2xBogdan Udrea 1E WFA Conference
Cory Kramer, Sr Director, NTT Data
Bogdan Udrea, Chief Technologist, 1E
'Q&A with NTT: A technical overview of digital experience metrics'
16:55 – 17:20 GMT
Leveraging the right data to improve the experience of employees anywhere is essential in the modern workplace. Analytics are critical to effectively manage digital experiences, but what data is important and relevant? And what how do you convert analytics into action? Senior Director at NTT, Cory Kramer, and 1E Chief Technologist, Bogdan Udrea, will tackle these questions in their Q&A session. This is an essential session for anyone keen to learn how to marry analytics with digital experience, gain insight into how analytics will evolve to reflect the hybrid workplace, and how to leverage those analytics for maximum positive impact.

Shaun-cassellsDamien Davis ServiceNow WFA Conference Damien Davis, Product Management, ServiceNow
Shaun Cassells, Principal Solutions Engineer, 1E
‘How ITSM automation can drive your digital employee experience initiatives’
17:20 – 17:45 GMT
ITSM automation removes friction from everyday work by enabling employees to get what they need, when they need it – all while empowering Service Desk Analysts to proactively improve digital experiences. But where do you start and how do you maximize the value and uptake of an ITSM automation strategy? This session will provide you with the answers to that question. Join Damien and Shaun to learn what ITSM automation can do for you, your organization, and your employees.

Jason Keogh 1E WFA ConferenceBogdan Udrea 1E WFA Conference
Jason Keogh, Partner Chief Technologist, 1E
Bogdan Udrea, Chief Technologist, 1E
‘Tachyon Masterclass: Identifying, diagnosing, and remediating digital experience issues in real time’
17:45-18:30 GMT
Back by popular demand is the Tachyon Masterclass, hosted by 1E’s Chief Partner Technology, Jason Keogh, alongside Bogdan Udrea, Chief Technologist at 1E. This is a session that will focus on how Tachyon enables IT to manage digital experiences end-to-end, from digital experience monitoring through to real-time remediation. You’ll be in great hands with our Tachyon experts as they show you Tachyon in action, share cool hacks and tricks, and answer your questions or demo requests – Live!
If you’re keen to learn more about the Work From Anywhere Enterprise conference, you can find key information here.
Join the WFA conversation with global IT leaders and industry experts and register today!