We are all thrilled about the release of The Creators Update (CB). It’s one of those announcements that is “very interesting” to the industry. Ironically, it’s called the Creators Update, yet you will be hard pressed to find articles about the new creation aspects. For Enterprise IT, there are several items that immediately catch your attention and make you want to update… in four or so months.
Why not now?
Because four months from now is when Current Branch for Business (CBB) is predicted to release. While others are excited about CB because of the new start and taskbar layout, let’s discuss a few features of CBB aimed at enterprise IT that instantly catch my attention:
The items above are just things that will get your attention in Enterprise IT. What really makes life interesting is the improved stability, control via WU, MDM, SCCM, GPO, Antivirus, etc., as well as massively improved user experience like the ability to create folders in the start menu tiles: simple things that make your end users happier.
For a detailed list of features check out the MS Blog
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