The hybrid workplace has added new dimensions to the complexity of actively managing the digital experiences of employees- no matter what size your organization is. Change is constant, and, as the workplace IT ecosystem evolves more rapidly, it becomes more and more problematic to engage users and make them part of the digital transformation journey.
Suddenly a new set of employee-raised issues are hitting IT support structures, putting an increased pressure on workplace IT’s ability to understand, anticipate and proactively act – or even just action – on user demands and requirements in the world of Work from Anywhere. Think about the plethora of performance, connectivity, or application issues that your WFA employees need to deal with and then your actual IT organizational readiness to deal with these items.
If your organization is strategically focused on transforming towards an employee experience first approach (and by doing so, start to actively manage their digital experiences in the hybrid workplace), then Tachyon 8 is the platform for you. Here are four reasons why:

1. Increase insights and analytics 

One of first reasons for making the move to Tachyon 8 is the increased level of insights and analytics that this release makes available. Ranging from out of the box insights into network and start/boot metrics and events, comprehensive inventory data, all the way to metrics and events on demand, Tachyon provides any modern workplace IT organization with the data and analytics they need to rapidly understand how things are working from the perspective of their main stakeholders, the employees.

2. Rapidly diagnose and understand root causes 

And when those insights highlight a degradation in the overall experience of your employees, Tachyon 8 provides the administrators with a comprehensive toolbox to rapidly diagnose and understand the root cause. By using 1E Tachyon instructions for real-time incremental data gathering and diagnosis, the side-by-side comparisons to immediately pinpoint the deltas between a good working and poorly working endpoint and the placement of a device on a configurable quadrant to better understand the correlation between a experience score degrease and a metric degradation, in the overall enterprise context, any IT persona can accelerate the process from insights to actual remediation.

3. Utilize new product packs 

Equally important is that 1E is also continuously publishing new product packs designed to complement the 1E Tachyon 8 release, providing workplace IT organizations with hundreds of new instructions, rules and policies designed to remediate and improve the employee experience and address, at scale and in real-time device and application performance and availability issues.

4. Improve user engagement

Last but not least, 1E knows that user engagement and active involvement in any workplace related programs is one of the key underlying principles that a modern organization has to have in place, in order to enable a more productive and engaged workforce. Tachyon 8, provides enterprises with new ways of interacting with their employees, through its newly redesigned User Engagement solution and the newly added Announcements feature. Now, you can augment sentiment collection and user surveys with actionable announcements and campaigns, leveraging Tachyon for a multitude of IT and non-IT related programs. These new capabilities also involved a complete redesign of our 1E Client user interface, and through this redesign, organizations can further extend the platform capabilities and drive powerful self-service automation solution, putting their employees in control of experience improvement actions.
If you are a workplace leader who is really invested in creating a modern workplace, one that is centered on the end-users, one that both measures and acts upon their experience degradation, enabling Tachyon 8 in your environment is what will certainly accelerate the execution of this vision.

Interested in learning more about Tachyon 8? Watch the on-demand webinar for everything you need to know – Watch now