As time has progressed, PC Power Management has become a common thread for companies who are realizing significant savings in cost and improved environmental value. PC Power Management is an easy concept to understand because it’s so simple: when you shutoff PCs when they are not in-use, cost savings are immediately realized in electricity consumption and CO2 emissions, in addition to extending the life of PC hardware. Notably, 1E is the market leader in this area with NightWatchman, and we’ve worked hard to make the ability easy for everyone.
But, PC Power Management is only a first-step to achieving an overall savings within the company. Putting investments and effort behind PC Power Management is extremely valuable in itself, but only scratches the surface of the big picture. There are other areas of the IT organization where improvements can be easily identified. If you stopped at PC Power Management, your investment in saving the company money would not be complete and you would miss out on thousands, even millions, of dollars of additional savings.
Achieving full IT Efficiency within an organization is 1E’s mantra.
That’s why we don’t stop at PC Power Management, either. As announced recently, we know how to save customers money, reaching $1 billion in customer savings. 1E strives to provide for the big picture through a suite of technologies. While 1E is the acknowledged leader in PC Power Management, our goal is to save our customers money wherever improvements can be made.
This is just the first post of many that will help outline areas within the IT organization where excess exists – areas that 1E is actively striving to provide technology and leadership to make these other areas just as easy to understand and implement as PC Power Management. As we continue this blogging series, we’ll talk about different areas of excess, how to identify them, and ultimately how to continue saving money, time, and the environment through eliminating the excess.
See you here next time.