We're often asked by customers about platform support for the technologies that we work with. People often want to know when we will support the next version of that platform. Right now we're getting asked about things like:
"Do you support Windows 8.1?" or "When will you support SCCM 2012 R2?".
The answer is different, depending on the sort of customer you are. There are three main groups of people when it comes to this answer.
1. RTM (Release to Market): If you're a fairly technically conservative organization and only want to install something that has been fully and officially market launched, with documentation, product sheets etc, we commit to supporting that new platform (such as a new version of Windows) in a RTM release no later than 90 days after the 3rd party RTMs their product.
2. RTS (Release to Support): If you're really keen to get access to the latest and greatest, then when the product is technically ready (Dev & QA complete), we produce a version that is quietly released, called an RTS (also known as "going gold" in the industry). This will be available prior to the main product RTM release. If you want to get your hands on this, please reach out to 1E Support.
3. Beta: Some people like to get their hands on our software really early on, be playing with it in their lab & feeding back in the test cycle. We're happy to open our doors to these folks and welcome them in. So if you'd like to be involved – please reach out to support and tell us that you're happy to participate in a beta program for the product.
We offer these three different levels of platform support, because everyone's expectations are different. Working with some of the worlds largest organizations has taught us that enterprise software is always more complex than you think – you can't just do a couple of days test and slap a "certified" logo on it and yet some people like to see it ASAP. We're offering options for whichever end of the spectrum you are on.