1E Service Desk Augmentation provides 1E's real time incident investigation and remediation capabilities inside of ServiceNow.
Retrieve information and remediate issues across the entire endpoint estate in seconds without escalating tickets or disrupting end users. As a result, frontline service desk admins can significantly decrease Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR) and increase First Call Resolution (FCR).
Core Features
1E Service Desk Augmentation's capabilities include real-time inventory, preapproved fixes, and DEX scores–all from your ServiceNow incident pane.
Real-Time Inventory
Access up-to-date inventory and diagnostics from your ServiceNow incident pane and answer questions faster.
Pre-Approved Fixes
Make pre-approved fixes available to first-line support from your ServiceNow incident pane, run fixes on endpoints, and resolve more incidents on the first call.
Digital Employee Experience (DEX) Scores
See users’ DEX scores within your ServiceNow incident pane, then break them down by performance, responsiveness, and stability.
Remote Support with TeamViewer in ServiceNow
Instant, secure remote support—powered by TeamViewer Tensor and 1E—directly within ServiceNow ServiceOperations Workspace (SOW). Diagnose and resolve issues in real-time, without leaving your primary IT workspace.
With TeamViewer integration, IT professionals can now:
Connect quickly
Quickly connect to devices without switching between applications, reducing response times and improving operational efficiency.
Real-time troubleshooting
Troubleshoot issues in real-time, ensuring minimal disruption to end users and faster resolution of technical problems.
Enhanced security
Enhance security with role-based access controls, allowing only authorized users with the Remote Support role to initiate remote sessions.
Ease of management
Easily manage integration settings, with administrators able to enable or disable the feature using a simple system property.